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Knowledge is Power

Richard M. Williams

Ashley Schulte, Vice President, Client Programs

The ability to advise clients is the cornerstone of any agency model. Clients rely on us to provide guidance and best practices for company announcements, media engagement, award submissions, presentation talking points, and so much more. That “more” is where we pack in lots of extra value.

At Connect2, we are hungry to know more. We want to learn about our clients’ customers, solutions, industry challenges and untapped opportunities. We track how the media covers their space, identify stories that remain untold, and work to add our clients’ perspectives to important industry conversations. 

When we understand these things, we can advise our clients on how to address them or even steer away from them. This knowledge is a powerful resource for our clients in many ways. 

First, understanding our clients’ markets leads to more meaningful conversations right away, saving time and focusing on actions that will push them into the industry dialogue. Our knowledge also helps us proactively bring new ideas and opportunities to our clients instead of waiting for direction.

Second, by staying up-to-date on which editors are covering the industry, how they are covering it, and which stories they haven’t told yet, we can clearly see where our clients could fit in and make recommendations. 

Finally, by understanding the market’s current opportunities and challenges, we help make our clients’ announcements more timely and impactful. It’s difficult to pitch a new product to an editor without some sense of urgency as to why they should write about it now. We are able to connect the dots to why the news is timely and will be important to their readers today.

If you could use a powerful resource to your marketing toolkit, let us know! We’d love to share our knowledge and help you create more pull from your market.

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